History & About

Equity Collab Consulting, LLC, formed in the City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, in fall 2023. Founder Alex Tabor realized a need to align and coordinate his efforts with community members, organizations, and leaders, and government and non-profit professionals to most comprehensively engage with the contemporary legacies of historical, systemic racism in the region (and across the US), but that are especially as visible in the policy and social spaces surrounding: criminal and juvenile justice (including access to services, custody & confinement, probation & parole, and re-entry), education, housing, and human or social services.

Founder & Lead Consultant, Alex Tabor, is a Ph.D. candidate historian at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Pittsburgh. There, he teaches an undergraduate “long” twentieth-century U.S. history course he designed, called “American Dreams: Race, Nationality, and American Citizenship.” His dissertation compares the divergent and evolving responses of government institutions within Pennsylvania’s Department of Corrections and Department of Human Services to the problems of urban, industrial transformation in Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania between the 1890s and 1960s, a period across which Pittsburgh experienced its greatest demographic and socioeconomic growth and decline. At CMU he also serves as a Graduate Teaching Fellow, where he applies extensive training in instructional methods, learning theory, and pedagogy toward consultation services he provides for fellow graduate and postdoctoral instructors. Because of his advocacy and effort to ensure that his (and others’) learning spaces felt welcoming to students of all identities and backgrounds, featured content reflective of diverse historical experiences, and responded equitably to myriad student needs, he was selected to serve on the History Department’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee and the Dietrich College Humanities Scholars Program steering committee.

He has conducted legislative and policy analysis for Allegheny County Department of Human Services (DHS), where he currently is contracted as a Research Consultant and Grant Writer engaged on shifting human and social services topics. In this role, he’s helped steer over $1,000,000 in federal opioid litigation into community-based harm reduction responses and drafted DHS proposal for one of eight federal Administration of Children and Family grants, totaling near $2,500,000 across the next half-decade (award to be announced in late September 2023), to assist DHS and community partners in addressing racial disparities in the local child welfare system.

He also builds on over six years of experience as a high school, college, adult educator in mainstream and correctional settings, including juvenile diversion programs like court-ordered community intensive supervision (CISP) and adult men in Pennsylvania State Correctional Institutions. As a juvenile and adult educator, he has supported system-involved youth on high school credit recovery and GED completion and incarcerated men, including English Language Learners and individuals with behavioral disorders and intellectual disabilities, on English proficiency and the full range of GED exams. In mainstream educational settings, he has taught 9th grade Civics, 11th-12th grade U.S. History, and undergraduate U.S. History I & II.

Contact Information

Email: EquityCollabLLC@gmail.com (capitalizations unnecessary)

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/taboralexd/

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